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–On the Show:
–James Fletcher, Director and Producer of the documentary film The Accidental President, in which David is featured, joins us to discuss the film
–The House of Representatives passes HR1, a massive voting rights, anti-corruption, and ethics bill, which will have a very difficult time passing in the Senate
–Joe Biden agrees to further restrict eligibility for COVID stimulus payments in the latest version of the $1.9 trillion COVID relief bill
–Notable discussions from the David Pakman Show subreddit, including about taxes in Texas and California
–Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert claims that the Equality Act is “gay supremacy” being carried out by “transvexhikes”
–The right wing battle against so-called “cancel culture” is really a fight against the free market capitalism that the American right wing claims to support
–The new grifters are the outrage profiteers who build an audience by generating outrage around imaginary and fabricated pseudo-scandals
–Regular voicemail caller “San Antonio Troll” defiantly attacks David for things David hasn’t even talked about
–On the Bonus Show: Pence breaks silence to criticize 2020 election, some Catholic bishops discouraging JNJ vaccine, Parler sues Amazon again, much more…
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