Today on The David Pakman Show / March 15, 2016
MP3 Podcast: Access the podcast archive as a TDPS Member!
On the Show:
–Gray Scott, futurist, techno-philosopher, and CEO and founder of, who has been featured on Discovery channel, VICE Motherboard, CBS News, NY Post and Psychology Today, joins David to discuss the path to a post-scarcity world
–Republican primaries are happening in five states tonight; will Donald Trump maintain his lead?
–The Democratic nominee could be decided tonight as five states hold primaries
–A new nationwide study has presented evidence suggesting that gun deaths in the US could be reduced by more than 90% by implementing three specific gun safety laws
–A spring TDPS giveaway: T-shirts and bluetooth headphones
–David continues to post pictures on Instagram, some recent popular pictures include a car selfie and grilled cheese
–Morality with Motamedi: Which world leader would Louis assassinate?
–TDPS is now on Ora TV with Larry King, Dave Rubin, and Jesse Ventura
–Jeff Miller, the NFL’s senior Vice President for Health and Safety, admitted that there was a link between football and chronic traumatic encephalopathy
–Voicemail on David influencing a Trump protester
–On the Bonus Show: Uber now delivers food, VW is sued by investors, wrong URL malware attacks, more…
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