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June 3, 2016

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–Classic Interview: Scott Lively attorney, pastor, and anti-gay independent candidate for Massachusetts Governor joins David to discuss his views and candidacy

–The California primary poll numbers show that Hillary Clinton has a 6 point lead over Bernie Sanders

–LIVE CALL: What Federal Law Would You Pass?

–LIVE CALL: Will Republicans Kick Trump Out at Convention?

–LIVE CALL: Mormonism is Odd

–LIVE CALL: Starship Troopers is Actually a GOOD Movie!

–Audience Question: Can one be fiscally to the right and socially to the left?

–Audience Question: If you could add one constitutional amendment to the US constitution what would it be?

–Audience Question: What are you willing to overpay for?

–On the Bonus Show: Doom’s satanic easter egg, TSA agents have been reassigned to political rallies, King Tut’s meteorite dagger, more…

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