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–On the Show:
–Iran attacks multiple US bases in Iraq in retaliation to Donald Trump’s assassination of Iranian Quds leader Qassim Soleimani, and in the midst of figuring out whether this will escalate into full-scale war, Donald Trump tweets that “all is well!”
–This week’s episode of Hatriot Mail
–Donald Trump is completely unintelligible during a rambling press conference at the White House
–2020 Democratic Presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) steamrolls host Meghan McCain while on The View, ignoring McCain’s attempts to interrupt her explanation of her wealth tax proposal
–A new report confirms that 100% of Donald Trump’s tariffs on China have been paid by Americans, not by Chinese companies as Donald Trump seems to believe
–Donald Trump is the most unpopular President in 44 years to run for re-election, bested only by Gerald Ford in 1976
–CNBC puts up the wrong pictures of Andrew Yang and Tulsi Gabbard during a segment about the 2020 Democratic Presidential primary
–Former Navy SEAL Eddie Gallagher, the killer recently pardoned by Donald Trump, is transitioning his newfound fame into being a right-wing influencer
–Voicemail caller praises David for his patience with “moron” callers to the show
–On the Bonus Show: NY has second thoughts after ending cash bail, transgender teen sues over birth certificate, Facebook banning deepfake videos, much more…
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