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–On the Show:
–Donald Trump wildly threatens Europe over Iran policy, as admitted by the German Defense Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer, continuing Donald Trump’s alienation of our historical allies
–Donald Trump reportedly went on an outrageous tirade against his generals and the US military, calling them “dopes and babies” and saying he wouldn’t go to war with the military we have
–Despite Trumpists claiming stock market performance as the highlight of Donald Trump’s economic policy, stock market performance was better under Barack Obama at this point into their respective presidencies
–Pictures surface of Donald Trump, his family, and his advisers with Lev Parnas, the now-indicted Rudy Giuliani henchman that they all claim not to know
–Donald Trump’s Russia adviser Andrew Meek was escorted out of the White House, reportedly as a security risk, in the latest outrageous story coming out of the White House
–Donald Trump is reportedly planning to make bribery of foreign officials legal, as confirmed by his National Economic Council Director Larry Kudlow
–YouTube is promoting climate change denial videos while absolutely decimating the video recommendations for The David Pakman Show YouTube channel
–Alan Dershowitz now says that even if all allegations against Trump are true, he still couldn’t be impeached, despite having held a completely different position when Bill Clinton was President
–Voicemail caller invites David to be the next Bachelor on the reality show
–On the Bonus Show: Was Martin Luther King a Democrat or Republican? EU wants all smartphones to have standard charging port, Trump border wall could be world’s most costly, much more…
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