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February 26, 2020

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–On the Show:

–Isaac Bogoch, infectious diseases physician and scientist at The University of Toronto and Toronto General Hospital, joins David to discuss Coronavirus and more

–Michael Bloomberg accidentally admits to buying members of Congress during a Freudian slip at the latest Democratic presidential debate

–Michael Bloomberg’s national polling support is unchanged since his disastrous debate performance while his support in Super Tuesday states has actually continued to grow

–This week’s episode of Hatriot Mail

–Donald Trump attacks Elizabeth Warren as a “chocker” in the latest misspelled rant, also including misstatements about many other things

–The David Pakman Show Twitch channel has been shut down either by highly-paid consultants hired by CBS, or by right-wing trolls pretending to represent CBS

–Donald Trump’s record on the stock market, job creation, and income growth is worse than Barack Obama’s, despite constant propagandizing to the contrary by the Trump administration

–The right wing is panicking and increasingly equating Bernie Sanders to Adolf Hitler, including in a recent viral meme

–Voicemail caller wants to know how quickly we might know who the Democratic presidential nominee will be

–On the Bonus Show: Hosni Mubarak dead at 91, why America is losing the toilet race, more seniors using cannabis lately, much more…

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