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February 20, 2020

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–On the Show:

–EJ Dionne, Washington Post columnist, Senior Fellow at the Brookings Institute, and co-author of “One Nation After Trump” and “Why the Right Went Wrong,” joins David to discuss the 2016 election, the upcoming 2020 election, and much more

–Michael Bloomberg is absolutely destroyed during his first 2020 Democratic presidential debate, while Elizabeth Warren and Joe Biden show renewed energy, Pete Buttigieg and Amy Klobuchar spar, and Bernie Sanders goes after Bloomberg directly

–Notable discussions from the TDPS subreddit, including about Michael Bloomberg, Bernie Sanders, the Democratic National Convention, Tulsi Gabbard and much more

–Bernie Sanders was the only candidate in this week’s 2020 Democratic presidential debate to say that the candidate with the most pledged delegates entering the convention should be the nominee

–Stunning allegations surface that Donald Trump promised Wikileaks’ Julian Assange a pardon if he helped publicly (and falsely) deny that Russia was involved in hacking the DNC during the 2016 election

–The Bernie Sanders / Michael Bloomberg heart health story is now being weaponized on all sides

–Furious Trumpist voicemail caller Jimmy from Philly demands to know why David hasn’t covered topless Bernie Sanders protesters

–On the Bonus Show: Trump’s clueless intelligence chief, Burger King canceling artificial preservatives, George Zimmerman sues Warren and Buttigieg, much more…

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