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December 28, 2020

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–On the Show:

–Talia Lavin, author of “Culture Warlords: My Journey into the Dark Web of White Supremacy,” joins David to discuss her infiltration of white supremacy in researching her book. Get the book:

–As the votes continue to be counted, Joe Biden’s victory over Donald Trump becomes more impressive, but the results of the upcoming Georgia Senate runoffs will greatly determine what Joe Biden can get done in his first term

–A discussion about how to deprogram 75 million Trumpists, accounting for the cult-like behavior and lack of critical thinking skills at play

–Notable discussions from the David Pakman Show subreddit, including about OAN’s alternative map of the results to the 2020 Presidential election between Donald Trump and Joe Biden

–In court, Donald Trump’s lawyer Rudy Giuliani presents a very different case about voter fraud, admitting that his court filings are not actually alleging that fraud took place

–Delusional COVID truthers try to invade Utah Valley Hospital in Provo, Utah to “prove” that there really is not ICU full of coronavirus patients

–CNN interviews some of the supposedly dead voters that Donald Trump and his campaign claim voted in the 2020 election

–Furious voicemail caller claims David needs to stop lying and that plenty of dead people voted in the 2020 election

–On the Bonus Show: Trump campaign requests partial recounts, Nancy Pelosi re-nominated for Speaker of the House, Kristi Noem following COVID-denial strategy, much more…

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