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April 25, 2018

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–On the Show:

–The conclusion to our interview with Steven Bonnell, also known as Destiny in the gaming world, who joins David to discuss his debate techniques for debunking right wingers, controversies involving getting banned from Twitter and targeted by the alt right, and much more

–A new study casts doubt on the assumption that white male Trump voters supported him as result of “economic anxiety,” pointing instead to fear of losing their privileged status in society

–Another embarrassing disaster for Donald Trump as he wipes “dandruff” off of French President Emmanuel Macron’s suit and later rambles incoherently about trade in advance of the Trump administration’s first state dinner

–Hatriot Mail is here!

–Not surprisingly, Donald Trump’s appointment of White House Doctor Ronny Jackson, who previously claimed Trump could live to 200 years of age if he improved his diet and exercise, to Veteran’s Affairs Secretary starts to implode in the midst of allegations of on-the-job drunkenness, improper dispensing of medication, and of creating a hostile work environment

–In Texas, Crystal Mason, a woman who accidentally voted illegally while on probation received a 5-year prison sentence, while Justice of the Peace Russ Casey, who participated in the rigging of his own election, received 5 years probation

–Voicemail caller asks about whether population growth is a problem for planet Earth

–On the Bonus Show: Finland has second thoughts on basic income, monkey loses selfie copyright case, “real Indian” running against “fake Indian” Senator Elizabeth Warren, much more…

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