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April 20, 2020

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–On the Show:

–Donald Trump experiences the sharpest drop in approval of his presidency during his continued mishandling of the coronavirus pandemic response

–Noam Chomsky likens the “never Biden” movement to communists who enabled Nazis in early 20th century Germany, drawing the immediate ire of many so-called progressives

–Out of control protests in multiple states around the country are determined to “reopen” and wildly spread coronavirus

–Donald Trump breaks down and encourages rebellion on Twitter, which will undoubtedly lead to spreading coronavirus, and possibly to violence

–Donald Trump is visibly rattled by female reporter Weijia Jiang asking him real questions, patronizing her with questions of “who do you work for?” and telling her to “relax,” “take it easy,” and “lower” her voice

–Dr. Anthony Fauci brutally schools Fox News propagandist Laura Ingraham as she continues to insist that the country wasn’t shut down for HIV nor for SARS like it has been for coronavirus

–Donald Trump malfunctions, speaking literal nonsense during multiple recent White House Coronavirus Task Force press briefings

–Donald Trump claims that his actions have possibly saved “billions” of people, despite the population of the United States being 331 million

–Voicemail caller believes Donald Trump is the fulfillment of biblical prophecy

–On the Bonus Show: Canada has deadliest mass shooting in history, universities considering cancelling in-person classes until 2021, house cats dramatically impacting local wildlife, much more…

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