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July 2, 2019

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–On the Show:

–Dr. Marty Makary, Johns Hopkins surgeon and author of the forthcoming book “The Price We Pay: What Broke American Health Care–and How to Fix It,” joins David to discuss our broken healthcare system

–A warning to the left not to destroy ourselves is outlined after a very destructive live call during last week’s Democratic debate live stream

–The YouTube demonetization fiasco continues to grow and become even more absurd

–Not surprisingly, post-debate polling show Joe Biden down, Kamala Harris up big, Bernie and Warren up slightly, and many candidates unchanged

–A pregnant woman is shot in the stomach, leading to the loss of her fetus, and she has been indicted for manslaughter as a result

–Voicemail caller wonders why Proud Boys founder Gavin McInnes is allowed to advertise on YouTube

–On the Bonus Show: Trump new Press Secy in a scuffle in North Korea, trucker drive time laws to be relaxed, political cartoonist laid off over Trump cartoon, much more…

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